As part of the Grateful Treaty Person and Acts of Allyship Campaign, R. Stacey Laforme shares his poem “Nii jii”, which means “friend” in Anishinaabemowin and invites post-secondary students to share, in their own words what Allyship or friendship feels and looks like to them. This can be done through poetry, spoken word, rap or song. The contest is open to all Oakville, Sheridan College and MCFN post-secondary school students, with multiple winners to be announced.

Submissions are closed for 2025.

There are three scholarship prizes, sent to the post-secondary institution the winners are currently attending.
1st Place: $500
2nd Place: $300
3rd Place: $200
Winners will have their poems published.

Please note that by submitting your application you agree that the Oakville Community Foundation, Sheridan College and MCFN are allowed to publish your name, photo and entry if you are selected as one of the top submissions.

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