This commitment to Truth and Allyship was developed by the Debwewin Advisory Council. We invite organizations and individuals to become a signatory to this Commitment to Truth & Allyship or submit their own personalized Commitment to Acts of Allyship by emailing
Declaration of Truth and Allyship – We are All Treaty People
Since time immemorial, Indigenous Elders and Knowledge-Keepers have protected and preserved their languages, histories, and ways of life. This knowledge extends to an understanding of how the world of humans was created, and the implications of this history and of these belief systems on the roles and responsibilities of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, today.
These roles and responsibilities include those related to Treaties. First Nations are the first owners and occupants of the land; they protect their languages, beliefs, and teachings and honour the Creator. Treaties are part of the first law — the constitution of First Nations — that involves the idea of entering into peaceful arrangements with newcomers on an equal, nation-to-nation basis.
These understandings are the truth upon which we must strive to honour our Treaty responsibilities and live in good relation with one another founded on the principles of reciprocity, respect, and renewal rooted in thousands of years of experience and presence on these lands. The phrase, “we are all Treaty people”, includes us all – Indigenous and non-Indigenous, and it means that we all have a role to play.
Treaties and treaty relationships can be part of the fabric of our society, but only if we respect them in the spirit in which they were intended: as agreements for friendship, peace and respect, renewal through all generations and with the purpose of protection of lands with benefits to all. We are inspired by the strength and resilience of Indigenous people, communities and Nations and by the work that has been done to preserve these understandings. We are also committed to ensure that Indigenous peoples’ voices and needs with respect to Treaties and Treaty relationships, remain an essential part of our work for today and for in the future.
This pledge represents a way to learn and remember, to understand and acknowledge, and to take on the Treaty responsibilities that belong to us all. Today we, the undersigned, pledge to honour these responsibilities, and in doing so, to respect the spirit and intent of these agreements. We will work, each in our own way, and together, towards achieving the goals of being good Treaty partners, and supporting reconciliation to build a much stronger and more inclusive Canada. As Grateful treaty people we give our gratitude to Mother Earth and all our relations that make up the treaties we live on and commit to engage in acts of Allyship and Reciprocity with our Treaty Partners.
We will act by …
- Seeking opportunities to learn about the Treaty territories upon which we live and work, including the traditional territories of First Nations who have been here since time immemorial; building relationships with Indigenous peoples upon whose territories we live and work;
- Sharing our voices, our networks, and our resources to include and benefit Indigenous peoples upon whose lands we live and work, to fulfill our responsibilities as Treaty partners;
- Sharing our understandings within the context of our work, in policy and practice, to honour and respect these relationships;
- Exploring new opportunities to support the spirit and intent of Treaty relationships more broadly.
- Engaging in Acts of Allyship and Reciprocity with the MCFN to respect the original intent of the treaties asserting that all should benefit from the land and at the same time offer Mother Earth our protection.
We place our Declaration of Truth and Allyship herewith to symbolize that this is concrete and will continue. Our signatures are a call to action inviting others to join in moving forward in an atmosphere of understanding, dignity and respect towards the shared goal of reconciliation.
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